the condi"ons in the environment fluctuate(temperature, noise, ambient ligh"ng)
14C. Integrate:
Is used to measure dosage or exposure. When toggled on, the ILT2400 will take the
present reading and add it to the previous value, once per second, crea"ng a sum of light
measurements over "me. When in integrate mode the units of the readings change to include
*seconds. For example, Lux becomes lux*seconds, W/cm2 becomes W/cm2*seconds or J/cm2,
W/m2 becomes J/m2.
14D. Hold:
Freezes the value on the numerical display to allow manual recording.
(Does not apply to
14E. Min/Max:
Toggles the numerical display to only record a value that in Min, Is less than the
exis"ng value on the display or in Max is greater than the exis"ng value on the display.
14E.1 Min/Max:
also doubles as a
Peak FW
bu*on. Peak FW is similar to Max, except it pushes
the limits of the system’s rapid measurement capability and uses the firmware speed to scan for
changes that occur very fast.
14F. 100%:
Records the baseline value for 100%. This does not impact the display. To readout in
percentage you must use the display units bu*on to select percentage.
14G. Record:
Toggles the record data to on and off. When on, the meter stores all readings internally.
When off the meter stops saving readings to the internal memory. Recorded measurements generate
a new file each "me the record start bu*on is touched. The format for naming recorded files is ILT
daymon-year. Record creates a five column .csv file with Time, Instantaneous, min, max and average
14H. Capture
: Records a single reading at the "me the capture bu*on is pressed. Captured
measurements are appended to the single sample file, in the format date/"me, instantaneous value.
14I. Home
Returns to the home screen.
15 Se8ngs:
The settings icons open the settings display which allow user customization. Settings can
also be access by clicking on the setting drop down menu in the dis
15A. Display Brightness
: Brightness selec"on ranges from 1-Dim with lowest ba*ery consump"on, to
10-Brightest with highest ba*ery consump"on.
Radiometer Se
15B. Factor Number:
Selects calibra"on factors from the pre-programmed/available list ranging from
1 – 20. Factor selec"on allows readings in calibrated units such as W, W/cm2, Lux etc.
15C. Sample Time:
Allows the user to program how fast the meter takes a reading ranging from 100
milliseconds to 5 seconds with the default set to Auto.
Auto will review the incoming signals intensity and apply the best seKng.
As a general rule of thumb, If current >= 1uA, 0.5sec is used, else if current <1uA, 1.0sec
Note: Using the Trend graphing feature when sampling very fast may not yield the best results. In the
fastest speeds there can be a periodic slight delay in the numerical update as the graph updates. Using
trend at fast speeds taxes the CPU with processing both measurements, numerical updates and graph
updates. This can be seen as a slight flicker on the display. If this problem occurs, Use the internal
meter app. or connect to the computer and use Datalight II Meter or Flash for faster data capture.
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