This chapter describes the contents, intended audience, and organization of the Intel
Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface Installation Guide.
The Intel
Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface Installation Guide contains instructions for
installing the HFI.
This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal
Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or
lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.
Document Audience
This installation guide is intended for administrators responsible for installing the
Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface in their Linux* cluster. Additional detailed
information and instructions for administering an Intel
cluster can be found in the
Omni-Path Fabric Host Software User Guide.
The Intel
Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface Installation Guide assumes that you are
familiar with the specific hardware that you plan to use. Before installing the HFI, you
should have basic knowledge of your host and target operating systems.
This document does not contain all the information you need to use basic Linux*
commands or to perform all system administration tasks. For this information, see the
software documentation you received with your system.
How this Guide is Organized
The Intel
Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface Installation Guide is organized into these
on page 13 contains an overview of the HFI and software, describes
interoperability with other products, lists all related documentation, and provides
Intel contact information.
Hardware Installation Checklist
on page 15 provides a high-level overview of the
hardware installation procedures.
on page 16 includes instructions for installing the Intel
The material in this documentation pertains to an OFED cluster. A cluster is defined as
a collection of nodes, each attached to a fabric through the Intel
interconnect. The
nodes are generally Linux*-based computers having multiple processors/cores. The
OP HFI utilizes Intel
Omni-Path switches and cabling.
Omni-Path Fabric
Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface
April 2020
Installation Guide
Doc. No.: H76466, Rev.: 8.0