Product Description
LAN wake capabilities
Intel Management Engine Wake-on-LAN
Intel AMT status indicator LED
Instantly Available PC technology
Wake from USB
PME# signal wake-up support
WAKE# signal wake-up support
+5V standby power indicator LED
LAN wake capabilities and Instantly Available PC technology require power from the
+5 V standby line.
The use of Wake from USB from an ACPI state requires an operating system that
provides full ACPI support.
Power Connector
ATX12V-compliant power supplies can turn off the system power through system
control. When an ACPI-enabled system receives the correct command, the power
supply removes all non-standby voltages.
When resuming from an AC power failure, the computer returns to the power state it
was in before power was interrupted (on or off). The computer’s response can be set
using the Last Power State feature in the BIOS Setup program’s Boot menu.
For information about
Refer to
The location of the main power connector
Figure 11, page 43
The signal names of the main power connector
Table 21, page 47
Fan Headers
The function/operation of the fan headers is as follows:
The fans are on when the board is in the S0 state.
The fans are off when the board is off or in the S3, S4, or S5 state.
The processor fan header is wired to a fan tachometer input and the Front and
Rear fan headers share the tachometer input of the hardware monitoring and fan
control device. All fan headers support closed-loop fan control that can adjust the
fan speed or switch the fan on or off as needed.
All fan headers have a +12 V DC connection.
For information about
Refer to
The locations of the fan headers and thermal sensors
Figure 6, page 31
The signal names of the processor fan header
Table 18, page 46
The signal names of the chassis fan headers
Table 17, page 46