Intel Desktop Board D945GCPE Technical Product Specification
Lead Free Desktop Board
This Desktop Board is a European Union Restriction of Hazardous Substances (EU
RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC) compliant product. EU RoHS restricts the use of six
materials. One of the six restricted materials is lead.
This Desktop Board is lead free although certain discrete components used on the
board contain a small amount of lead which is necessary for component performance
and/or reliability. This Desktop Board is referred to as “Lead-free second level
interconnect.” The board substrate and the solder connections from the board to the
components (second-level connections) are all lead free.
China bans the same substances and has the same limits as EU RoHS; however it
requires different product marking and controlled substance information. The required
mark shows the Environmental Friendly Usage Period (EFUP). The EFUP is defined as
the number of years for which controlled listed substances will not leak or chemically
deteriorate while in the product.
Table 36 shows the various forms of the “Lead-Free 2
Level Interconnect” mark as it
appears on the board and accompanying collateral.
Table 36. Lead-Free Board Markings
Description Mark
Lead-Free 2
This symbol is
used to identify electrical and
electronic assemblies and
components in which the lead
(Pb) concentration level in the
desktop board substrate and the
solder connections from the board
to the components (second-level
interconnect) is not greater than
0.1% by weight (1000 ppm).