Advanced CD-ROM applications/features have not been tested with
this driver. This driver does not support Microsoft SMART IOCTL
API and any mobile IDE features on portable PCs (notebooks). If
any problem is encountered, de-install the driver.
The driver supports general CD-ROM operations such as:
- File transfers
- Data streaming
- Audio
The driver does not support the following applications:
- Enhanced CD Applications such as VideoCD*, CDPlus*
- Multi-CD changers
- Applications used Microsoft SMART IOCTL API
- Ontrack Disk Manager and EZ-Driver* API
- Mobile IDE features on Notebooks
Intel recommends that the "Auto" mode of disk recognition should be
used in most systems' BIOS setup option when installing new disk
drives. Some older systems may not support the large disk drives
because of BIOS limitations. Users are encouraged to contact their
system provider for the system or BIOS upgrade before installing the
Intel driver for large drive support.
Intel PIIX Bus Master IDE driver for Windows 95* supports the
following fixed disk geometry translation mechanisms. Do not install
the Intel driver if the system does not support them or the drive is not
configured to use them.
- Standard Cylinder-Head-Sector (CHS) translation in BIOS
- Logical Block Addressing (LBA) mode
- BIOS Disk Services INT13h, Function 08h to report the drive
geometry parameters
The Intel PIIX Bus Master IDE driver for Windows 95* does not support
the certain disk geometry translation mechanisms. The user should
use the default Microsoft Windows 95* IDE driver if the system uses
the following translation mechanisms.
- All other BIOS translation schemes not supported by