3. Select the low output threshold by momentarily
closing JP1.
If the display is present it will show the current low
display threshold. If there is no display the value can
be displayed using a meter connected to the analog
output. In this calibration mode the analog output is
10,000 ppm at full scale (i.e. 10.0 volts or 20.0 mA).
If the voltage output is selected, this scaling
corresponds to 1 ppm per millivolt or 1000 ppm per
4. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ buttons to adjust the low
output threshold to the desired value. In the example
this would be set to 500.
5. Remove the shorting block from JP4 to save the
value; the unit will reset itself.
6. Reconnect JP4. The display (if present) will show
‘SEL’. Select the high output threshold by
momentarily closing JP2.
If present, the display will show the high output
threshold. If there is no display use a volt meter as
described in step 3.
7. Use the ‘UP’ and ‘DOWN’ buttons to adjust the high
output threshold to the desired value. In the example
this would be set to 1000.
8. Remove the shorting block from JP4 and restore it to
its original position at jumper JP5. The Model 310e
will reset and its output will now only change when
the gas concentration is within the range selected.
Below this range the output remains low, above this
range the output remains high.
INTEC Controls | 12700 Stowe Drive, Suite 100, Poway, CA 92064 | Ph: (858) 578.7887 & (888) GO.INTEC | inteccontrols.com
Specifications subject to change without notice. |
DCS, Inc. | PRE 200217 | Page 11 of 17
I-310e – UserManual