INSYS GSM 4.3 easy
Basically, the INSYS GSM 4.3 easy offers the same technical characteristics and function-
alities as the standard version.
This manual is only an add-on manual and can only be used in connection with the user
manual of the INSYS GSM. The indication of technical data and functional descriptions of
the standard version will be omitted in this manual (if possible). Please refer to the user
manual INSYS GSM.
If the INSYS GSM 4.3 easy behaves differently than the standard version, we will mention
this fact in the according passages.
The INSYS GSM 4.3 easy is available in two versions. These are
INSYS GSM 4.3 easy
INSYS GSM 4.3 easy compact
The INSYS GSM 4.3 easy compact differs by a compact housing for in-wall connection
boxes and the missing audio interface from the INSYS GSM 4.3 easy. Both versions are
referred to as INSYS GSM 4.3 easy in the further course of this manual. If the INSYS GSM
4.3 easy compact differs from the INSYS GSM 4.3 easy, this will be mentioned in particu-
lar in the respective sections.
Supported Moeller easy versions
The following easy models are supported:
easy 500
easy 700
easy 800
easy MFD
The communication protocols of the easy 500 and the easy 700 as well as the protocols
of the easy 800 and easy MFD are identical as file. In the following, we only need to dis-
tinguish between easy 500/700 and easy 800/MFD.
Dedicated connection cables are available for the connection (refer to Optional Accesso-
ries in the in the Scope of Delivery section)
Application Possibilities of the INSYS GSM 4.3 easy
The object instances (peripherals and extension modules) of the easy device can be
monitored regarding defined conditions or levels, to enable the sending of fault mes-
sages when changes occur. Depending on the used easy model, not all object instances
are available.