Export Regulation
Export Regulation
US American export regulations apply to the chip sets used by INSYS Microelec-
tronics GmbH for analogue modems and cellular radio adapters according to ECCN
classification 5A991.
At the time of publication of this document, it is thus not allowed to export these
communication devices to any of the following countries: Cuba, Libya, North Ko-
rea, Iran, and Syria.
The latest list of countries can be found in the section “Country Group E” of the
document http://origin.www.gpo.gov/bis/ear/pdf/740spir.pdf. Address the US fed-
eral authorities for an exception from this export regulation.
We explicitly point out that the US export regulations take effect in Germany as
well. US authorities may among others prohibit American companies to trade with
foreign offenders of the ECCN rules.