Using Documate
Adjus�ng INS-3 posi�on
Adjus�ng focus
Adjust brightness
Documate on your PC or laptop and choose the desired opera�on mode as follows :
Hold the INS-3 to capture images at any angle, or place it on a desk to capture images of
objects and documents placed below it. Change the height and /or posi�oning of the
mul�-joint camera bracket to capture the desired image.
Set the focus mode to AF-C (AutoFocus Con�nuous)
to film moving objects or AF-S (AutoFocus Single) for
sta�c objects.
Pressing the Auto Focus bu�on will automa�cally
adjust to op�mal focus one �me.
You can also trigger the autofocus func�on via the
Documate applica�on.
Use the Brightness bu�on to increase or decrease
Change image orienta�on
If your image appears upside-down; press and hold
the AF bu�ons for 2 seconds to flip the image
orienta�on. You can also flip or rotate the screen
image in the Documate applica�on.
Turn on the LED lamp to
improve image quality
in dark environments.
Eliminate glare from glossy surfaces
(e.g., magazine pages) by overlaying the
an�-glare sheet.
For more advanced opera�on, please visit our official site at
Maximum height 31cm,
for maximum field of
view 30 cm x 40 cm
Forcing the arm against the hinge direc�on
may break the arm.
�inge �irec�on
Note :
Tighten the device arm using
two coins.
height 10 cm
Live mode (default) :
Shows the live image captured by the
INS-3 and provides various func�ons to
enhance your presenta�on.
Playback mode :
Review and/or edit snapshot and video
clips taken by INS-3 or other devices.
Recording video and image capture
Click ( ) to take snapshots or ( )
to record video clips for future use.
Drawing mode :
Use the whiteboard space and markup
tools to add text, create drawings or
markup exis�ng images.
More detailed instruc�onal video are available at
Scan mode :
Scan documents or images as PDF,
PNG, JPG or TIFF, or use OCR (op�cal
character recogni�on) to extract text
for edi�ng.
2 sec.
2 sec.
+ An�-glare sheet
30 cm
40 cm
31 cm
10 cm