The twelve, white LEDs on the UI of IO-Lights are intended to be used as a light
source to influence the light sensor. The LEDs can be either controlled externally by
incoming MIDI messages (m-l) or via a built-in LED mode (random or feedback loop). If
MIDI notes are sent to IO-Lights, a single LED represents a halftone starting from the
top independent of the octave. If enabled, automations (i.e. Control Change) are
visualized in a clockwise circle animation starting from the to.
This is what makes IO-Lights so unique: By creating a visual bridge between incoming
and outgoing data over a different, physical medium.
Touch Buttons
IO-Lights offers two capacitive touch buttons to select MIDI output mode (Button A)
and LED mode (Button B). When touching a button, the according LED shows the
current mode. Additionally, the touch buttons can be used to trigger a fixed note or
send Control Change messages. The notes and controller numbers can be customized
in the web app.