Instramed Indústria Médico Hospitalar Ltda.
Industrial unit:
Beco José Paris, 339 – Pavilhões 18 e 19
Postal code: 91140-310
Porto Alegre – RS, Brazil
Phone/Fax number: +55 51- 3073 8200
Email: [email protected]
European representative
Obelis S.A.
Bd. Général Wahis 53, 1030, Brussels - Belgium
Tel. : + 32.2.732.59.54
Fax : + 32.2.732.60.03
E-mail : [email protected]
ATTENTION: Instramed assumes no responsibility for any damage caused to
individuals or property brought by failure to use this product in accordance
with the information, recommendations and warnings presented in the user
manual, alterations made in the device, attempts of repair not provided by
authorized technical assistance centers, operation by unqualified personnel,
use of defective device or use of accessories and parts not supplied by the
For information about warranty or technical assistance, please contact
Instramed’s technical support.
Copyright © 2019 Instramed. The I.on/I.on PRO, Instramed and its respective logos are trademarks of Instramed Indústria
Médico Hospitalar Ltda. The internal software of this product is Instramed’s intellectual property, being protected under
international copyright laws. It is provided exclusively to be used with this present device, identified by the serial number, and
may not be, in whole or in part, evaluated, recompiled or altered in any way.
I.on/I.on PRO User Manual R1.10 English 2020-08-09