Af ter entering the user program settings, the user prof ile will f lash (f ig. 25), turn the knob to set the
resistance (f ig. 26) f or the given program.
Af ter setting 20 program segments, press MODE f or 2 seconds to exit the setting and set the time.
While creating a prof ile, press RESET to return to the main menu.
Af ter starting the program (Fig. 27 - 29), the time will count down. When the time reaches 0, the
display will f lash, and a sound signal will sound. Press any button to turn of f the sound signal.
Af ter entering the program, the user can choose% target heart rate, 55%, 75%, 90% and custom. To
select, turn the knob and press ENTER.
The user can set the training time and then press START / STOP to start the program.
Af ter starting the program, the time will count down. When the time reaches 0, the display wil l f lash,
and a sound signal will sound. Press any button to turn of f the sound signal.