I am a big guy, will the shower trays or baths you sell support my weight.
No problem unless you are massive in which case you would probably not fit in
it! We test these on our chairman, if it holds his weight it will hold anyone’s ha
ha! Seriously now, the shower trays are reinforced fibre resin, each has a steel
cross secon to compliment. The whirlpool baths come the same way. 20 stone
we reckon is fine.
If I buy one of your showers how can I get it in the bathroom?
Simple it comes in four boxes ready to assemble on the spot. This divides weight
and size to bite size chunks!
How do I clean my shower?
We sell shower cleaner spray but always use the Ozone feature as well. Turn this
on for 20 mins with doors closed 2-3 mes a month, it will assist in the re-
sistance of mould growth along with disinfect the shower killing various bacteria.
Here’s a p for glass. Try RainX products! If you Google it a full descripon will
appear and where to purchase.
Yes made for car windscreens but that environment is far harsher than your
shower. Splash marks do not like to sck to glass!
clean with the shower
sll hot. Wait unl it cools to room temperature naturally.
How do I clean my whirlpool bath?
Easy enough just follow this!
Proper Care and Maintenance of Your Whirlpool
Keeping your whirlpool tub clean and free of bacteria is essenal for the health
of your family and the life of your whirlpool. Cleaning the surface as well as the
jets and plumbing system twice a month will keep your whirlpool tub working
Whirlpool Surface Care
APer every use, wipe down the enre surface and basin of the tub. This will pre-
vent mildew from building up in the corners and
edges of the jet openings. Make sure to use a soP cloth or squeegee to absorb
any residual water leP in corners and avoid
scratching the surface of the whirlpool. When undertaking maintenance
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cleaning, use a mild non abrasive cleaner and avoid
detergents, disinfectants or cleaning products that come in an aerosol can.
Keeping up on regular cleanings will save me and effort during monthly deep
Whirlpool Jet and Plumbing Maintenance
Before performing the whirlpool system cleaning process make sure that all of
the jets are closed ghtly so there is no air inducon.
Fill the tub with hot water unl the water level is just above the highest jet. Be
careful not to start the whirlpool before the water has reached the appropriate
level. Running a whirlpool without water can damage the pump seals which will
lead to leaking or failure. Once the whirlpool tub is full, add
cleaning product
( We sell the products you need!)
and let the whirlpool run for 10-15 minutes
with the air controls fully open. APer this, drain the tub completely and refill the
tub with cold water. Run the whirlpool for 5-10 minutes to rinse the system. Dry
completely aPerwards and your whirlpool will be clean for another two weeks to
a month depending on the amount of usage.
My chrome fiMng have gone rusty in my shower and the chrome is coming off
my bath taps and plug. Cheap chroming was used in manufacture must have
been used! I want free replacements.
Sorry to hear this but we cannot replace these items freely. Have a word with
however cleans the items in your house, they have been over enthusiasc.
Sounds like Mr Muscle, or Limelight or even one of the many other products of
this kind on the market today. They will kill Chrome bright work in a very fast
me. Always use delicate products!! You don’t use sandpaper to shave!
My shower no longer generates steam, what is the problem?
This could be most likely be one of two things, the generator has failed or the
electrical box has failed. If you contact customer service at
they will advise. No maEer if
covered by warranty or you need to purchase a part, these are the people to go
to! They will idenfy the most likely cause and ask you to remove this from your
shower or bath then using their returns form with your priority message number
given, send it directly back to ourselves. When with them they operate a 24 hour
turnaround system, this means the item gets checked (free of charge if out of
warranty) fault is diagnosed and a replacement is sent by courier 24 hour
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