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After taking off and reaching cruise altitude you will get your first opportunity to try the special lean mode functions. The 

new lean mode is easier than ever to use and tells you exactly how far the EGT’s have dropped since they peaked, 

whether you are on the rich or lean side of peak, and what the fuel flow was during the peak. 

To set the lean mode just press and hold the SEL button. Remember to always begin well rich of peak EGT or you will not 

get a true indication of where peak is.

Start leaning the aircraft, the EGT white columns will rise, the first column to reach peak EGT will stop rising. 

At that moment a lean box will appear above the EGT column and the fuel flow on that EGT column will freeze. 

This is what the fuel flow was when that cylinder hit peak EGT.

If you keep leaning you will see 


 out lined boxes appear above each column as the cylinders hit peak EGT and will 

be white and read L and the number of degrees.

If you stop when the first cylinder peaks and then start to enrichen the mixture, all the other boxes will appear on top of the 
EGT bars and will be 


 and read R and the number of degrees.

Step 4

Step 3




The FUEL TOTALIZATION screen has been improved and is even easier to use. 

This change allows the pilot to see this screen before entering fuel on board. 

Also setting initial fuel can be checked and corrected in flight. 

Previously the pilot had to enter the amount of fuel onboard before he could view the FUEL TOTALIZATION page. 

Now both the FUEL TOTALIZATION page and the FUEL SETUP page are accessible at any time. 

On the FUEL TOTALIZATION screen simply press the PG (left) button to enter fuel, press it again when done. 

As before you can top up the tank(s) by turning the SEL (right) knob counter clockwise on the very first click.

At anytime you can push PG knob to go back and forth between the FUEL SETUP and FUEL TOTALIZATION screens to 

add more fuel.

Lean of peak

Rich of peak
