Section I
The Radio
Data System
The Radio Data System allows the FM broadcaster to transmit cer-
tain digital data along with his regular audio programming. Packets
of data transmitted on a low-level subcarrier identify the station and
its particular broadcasting format, allow for transmission of adver-
tising or other text messages, and perform additional identification,
control and housekeeping chores.
The Radio Data System was developed in Europe and is abbreviated
RDS there. The first US implementation of RDS differed suffi-
ciently from the European standard to warrant its being renamed
the Radio
Data System, or RBDS. Differences between
the two standards have been reconciled and minimized over the
years, yet RBDS prevails as the US designation. For the sake of
clarity and simplicity, the more generic and established term RDS
will be used throughout this Manual.
Inovonics 713 is a complete, full-function digital data encoder for
implementing RDS at any FM radio station quickly and easily. In
addition to static IDs, traffic and other flags, The 713 supports dy-
namic data for sending song titles, advertising messages and special-
ized in-house applications to the listener s radio.
Leading features of the Inovonics 713 include:
Supports the Scrolling PS function with auto-
matic parsing of messages for proper display on
the radio faceplate, or can utilize Inovonics
unique Safe Scrolling mode for reduced distrac-
tion to automobile drivers.
Static data are quickly programmed or updated
with a PC via USB, serial or LAN interconnects.
COM (serial) and LAN (network) interfaces sup-
port the dynamic, on-line RDS functions.
Works with popular hard-disk automation systems
to transmit song titles, contests, billboards, scroll-
ing advertisements, etc.
Integrates easily with specialized third-party soft-
ware for increased functionality.
Loop-through or sidechain operation with any
exciter/stereo generator combination.
Simple to install and easy to use!