Battery charging
1. Install the battery into the battery slot according to the above methods and close the
cover, then connect the charger to the USB port and plug in the power. When
charging, the red light on, full it off.
2. Take out the battery, put it into the charger pedestal according to "+", "-" poles, connect
the charger pedestal to the charger, and then connect the charger to the power socket.
When the battery is being charged, the light on the charger pedestal is red. When the
battery is fully charged, the light changes to green.
a) In order to improve the efficiency of the charge, please charge under the
shutdown state
b) Please make sure the charger and the plug power
Button functions description
Laser light key: positioning and tracking the object during taking the video, under TV mode
it can be applied as delete key to the current file and also TV screen icon clearing key.
On/Off key: power on and off
Shutter key: Under standby statues for taking video or stopping; in menu setting mode to
adjust; in the TV playback mode used to play and pause; when connected to PC used to
shift PC cam and Disk.
Setting key: Under standby statues to enter into menu setting; in the TV playback mode