Colour Mobile Phone INNO 98 User’s Guide
INNOSTREAM Confidential
! Note : The voicemail service may not be available on all networks. For more details, please
contact your network service provider.
< Connect Voicemail>
With this menu, you can listen to the voicemails you have received.
<Number Setup>
With this menu, voice mailbox numbers can be stored.
- Home Mailbox
The voicemail number is to dial when you are on the home network to listen to the voicemail.
- Roam Mailbox
The voicemail number is to dial when you are on the other network to listen to the voicemail.
9.1.5 Broadcast
This network service allows you to receive the broadcasted text messages on various topics
such as weather, traffic, local district code, local hospitals, taxis or pharmacy in the area where
you are. You can even receive the message to be in a particular language. (For example, when
you are abroad) by using Language List option. For more information about topics, please
contact your service provider.
! Note : This service may not be available on all networks.
<Read All Messages>
With this menu, you can read all the broadcasted text messages received.
In title area of the screen, the name of the message subject item is displayed.
The contents of the message subject are updated whenever new contents are received.
If the message subject is not sent from the area you are, No Message is displayed.
You can read the message through by pressing [NAVI-DOWN].
To move to next message subject item, press [Next soft key].
<Receive Setting>
This menu allows you to enable or disable the reception of the broadcasted text messages.
All : Enables to receive all broadcasted text messages regardless of the setting of
Subject List and Language List
Active List : Enables to receive all broadcasted text messages depending on the setting of
Subject List and Language List.
Disable : Disables to receive the broadcasted text messages.
<Display On Idle>
This menu allows you to enable or disable to view new broadcasted text messages
in the idle screen.
On : New broadcasted text messages are displayed in the idle screen.
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