iSYS-4001 |
quick start guide
- Experience and Reliability in Radar-Technology
detection range depending on RCS
The amount of power that is reflected back to the radar depends largely on a quantity called the radar cross section (RCS).
The power reflected by the target can be much stronger in some directions than in others. As a result, that reflected power
will be much greater or much smaller than the isotropic power depending on how the target is oriented to the transmitting
radar. Although RCS is technically an area and typically expressed in square meters (m
The RCS of an object is depending on its geometric cross section (the geometric cross section refers to the area the target
presents to the radar, or its projected area); Reflectivity (Reflectivity refers to the fraction of the intercepted power that is
reflected by the target, regardless of direction) and its Directivity (Directivity is related to reflectivity but refers to the power
scattered back in the direction of the transmitting radar).
Therfore the maximum detection distance of different objects is strongly depending on its RCS as well as on their
orientation to the sensor and can strongly differ for different objects.