Status Request
Press the function button to unlock the touchscreen. Swipe over the touchscreen from left to right to
request the status of your device. Parameters like charging level, time of day, recent output power
(in VW/Bypass modes), recent temperature (in TC/TCR modes), the resistance value of the atomizer
head and the number of puffs taken so far will be displayed. Swipe over the touchscreen from right to
left to return to the start screen. Otherwise, the device will change to the start screen automatically
after five seconds.
Operating the Menus
Press the function button to unlock the touchscreen. Swipe over the touchscreen from right to
left to enter the main menu. Press MODE to select the output mode. Press SET to perform further
settings like adjust the preheat function or set the clock. Press INFO to display the recent hardware/
firmware version as well as the remaining battery voltage. press EXIT to leave the main menu and
return to the start screen.