34 IDS800 INSTALLER MANUAL NO. 700-175-02N ISSUED JUL 2003 VER 1.45
If the panel has been programmed to use the Contact ID reporting
format (i.e. location 47=6) it is not necessary to program the reporting
codes. All codes will be reported by default. Table 8 contains a list of
standard (default) Contact ID reporting codes.
Under certain conditions it may be necessary to change or disable
certain codes. If a particular reporting code is not required, program a
[0] (not “10”) into the relevant locations.
Any event that relates to a specific zone, or to a specific user, will
have the relevant zone/user number attached to the end of the Contact
ID reporting code.
If dual reporting is enabled and the Contact ID reporting format is
required, both the primary and secondary communicator formats need
to be programmed as Contact ID. It is not possible to use Contact ID
in conjunction with a second format eg. Pager Format, as the second
format will transmit all codes as FF or F.
It is common not to report stay arming, away arming and disarming for
domestic alarms. To disable the reporting of these functions, program
the following locations:
Arming or Closing code
Location 108 = 0
Disarming or Open code
Location 109 = 0
Home or Stay arming
Location 110 = 0