6 IDS1600 INSTALLER MANUAL - NO. 700-146-02E ISSUED AUGUST 2003 VER 2.19
Figure 1: Connection Diagram - without tamper per zone
3. End-of-Line Resistors/Tamper per Zone
All zones are end-of-line supervised. Any unused zones must also be terminated with the appropriate
The end-of-line resistor should be placed inside or as close to the sensor as possible.
If the zones are not programmed to report tamper by zone then use the 3K3 end-of-line resistor.
If the zones are programmed to report tamper by zone, the 4K7 and 12K end-of-line resistors should be
connected as per Figure 2 below. The 4K7 and 12K resistors are not included with the panel but may
be obtained from your local distributor of IDS products.