Alarm Button
After power on, the front button acts as an alarm button. As pressing the button, the LED will light up “green” and trigger an
immediate BLE transmission with the button activation event. As the back end server received this status change, it can be
used as a warning or alarming.
Power on( Start of Config mode)
Red blinking
End of Config mode
Green blinking
Alarm Button
Green on when pressed
Battery inserted/Power off
Orange blinking
Working Mode
Hall Sensor (iBS05H)
Inside iBS05H, there is a hall sensor that can be used to detect if a
magnet is in range or not. Depending on the strength of the magnet, the
active range is around 0.5cm~1.5cm. The sensor position is marked on
the enclosure. A typical usage is to put an iBS05 and magnet on the
door(or window) and door frame. When they are close to the active range,
iBS05 will trigger an immediate BLE transmission. On the other hand,
when they are far away from a close state, it will also trigger an
immediate BLE transmission.
Accelerometer (iBS05G)
The accelerometer will be active when its status changes. It includes from motion to still or from still to motion. An
immediate BLE transmission with status change will be triggered as active.