Installation Manual
Ingecon® Sun Three-Phase Inverter
Pg. 21 de 40
Ref.: AAS2000IKI02
Rev.:_ Dec-2009
5. Uninstalling the inverter
To uninstall the inverter, proceed as follows:
- Disconnect the unit from the power grid, the PV array and the back-up power sources.
- Wait 10 minutes for the internal capacitance to discharge.
- Open the unit and check that no voltage is present..
- Disconnect the cables as follows:
- The insulation failure detector switch.
- Auxiliary equipment (analogue inputs, etc...).
- Communications line.
- the connection to the Power Grid. See the section on «Connection to the Power
- the connection to the PV array. See the section on «Connection to the PV array»
- earth connection. See the section on «earth connections».
Pay particular heed to the following warning note:
Make an electrical check to ensure that there is no electrical contact whatsoever
between either the grid or the PV panels and any part of the equipment.
Remember that personal protective equipment (PPE) is compulsory: to verify that no
voltage is present.
And remember:
The Ingecon
Sun units may only be opened by qualified personnel.
During the installation, adjustment and maintenance operations, it is compulsory
to use personal protective equipment (PPE): safety helmet, glasses, gloces and
- Dielectric glasses appropiate for work voltages.
- Safety glasses against mechanical risk damage.
- Safety glasses homologued for electrical risk.
- Safety footwear
- Helmet
Do not touch the radiator located behind the electronics block, it can reach high
Any installation work requiring the unit to be opened must be performed in a
dry atmosphere, to prevent the ingress of moisture that could condensate and
damage the electronics.
Ingeteam Energy S.A. will assume no liability for damages caused by the improper use
of its equipment.