Book 22091102 (12/01)
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Compressed Air Leaks
Safety and Control Systems
Acoustic Materials
Enclosure Panels
Air Intake & Engine Exhaust
Cooling Systems
Isolation Mounts
Engine Operation
Fuels & Lubricants
As Detected
As Detected
100 hours
100 hours
100 hours
250 hours
250 hours
See Operator’s Manual
See Operator’s Manual
A. Compressed Air Leaks
Correct all compressed air leaks during the first shut-
down period after discovery. If severe enough to cause
serious noise problems and efficiency loss, shut down
immediately and correct the leak(s).
B. Safety and Control Systems
Repair or replace all safety and control systems or cir-
cuits as malfunction occurs. No compressor should be
operated with either system bypassed, disabled, or
C. Acoustic Materials
In daily inspections, observe these materials. Maintain
all acoustic material as nearly as possible in its original
condition. Repair or replace all sections that have: 1)
sustained damage, 2) have partially separated from
panels to which they were attached, 3) are missing, or
have otherwise deteriorated due to severe operating
or storage conditions.
D. Fasteners
All fasteners such as hinges, nuts, bolts, clamps,
screws, rivets, and latches should be inspected for
looseness after each 100 hours of operation. They
should be retightened, repaired, or if missing, replaced
immediately to prevent subsequent damage and noise
emission increase.
E. Enclosure Panels
Enclosure panels should also be inspected at 100 hour
operational intervals. All panels that are warped, punc-
tured, torn, or otherwise deformed, such that their
noise containment function is reduced, should be re-
paired or replaced before the next operation interval.
Doors, access panels, and hatch closures especially,
should be checked and adjusted at this time to insure
continuous seating between gasket or acoustic mate-
rial and the mating frame.
F. Air Intake and Engine Exhaust
Engine and compressor air intake and engine exhaust
systems should be inspected after each 100 hours of
operation for loose, damaged, or deteriorated compo-
nents. Repairs or replacements should be made be-
fore the next period of use.
G. Cooling Systems
All components of the cooling system for engine water
and compressor oil should be inspected every 250
hours of use. Any discrepancies found should be cor-
rected before placing the unit back in operation. Unre-
stricted airflow over the radiator and oil cooler must be
maintained at all times during operation.
H. Isolation Mounts
Engine/airend isolation mounts should be inspected
after each 250 hours of operation. Those mounts with
cracks or splits in the molded rubber, or with bent or
broken bolts due to operation or storage in severe en-
vironments, all should be replaced with equivalent
I. Engine Operation
Inspect and maintain engine condition and operation
as recommended in the manuals supplied by the en-
gine manufacturer.
J. Fuels and Lubricants
Use only the types and grades of fuels and lubricants
recommended in the Ingersoll--Rand Company and
Engine Manufacturer’s Operator and Maintenance