Installation Guide
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Connection of multiple drivers
Power supply wiring recommendations
USB Powered Jupiter
When the Jupiter is powered
. The driver is not capable of driving a motor or
from USB only basic configuration and programming options are available
sensing a feedback input due to USB power limitations.
8.1.2 Recommended power supply connection
Jupiter logic and power supply is provided through two different pins, LOGIC_SUP and POW_SUP. Therefore, the logic circuitry and the power stage can be
powered from different power supplies. The Jupiter versions JUP-20/80 and JUP-50/80 su10 V to +80 V in both inputs. The Jupiter versions JUP-15/130
and JUP-35/130 su10 V to +80 V in the LOGIC_SUP input, and +10 V to +130 V in the POW_SUP input.
The following picture shows the Jupiter versions JUP-20/80 and JUP-50/80 power supply connection diagram. These versions can be supplied using only the
POW_SUP input or using separated power supplies for POW_SUP and SHUNT_OUT. It could be interesting to use this method to avoid loosing communication
with the Jupiter in case of POW_SUP failure.