Receive CTCSS/DCS (QT and QDT)
functions that have been
programmed by your dealer or your communications specialist will allow
you to hear radio traffic only when the these sub-audible signaling tones
have been heard from another similarly programmed radio by your re-
ceiver. Only then will the radio allow you to receive a transmission of the
same tone. If tone decoding is not used or programmed in the transceiv-
er, then all conversations on the programmed frequency will be heard.
12.2 Radio ANI ID
is a feature that transmits a unique ID
number that has been programmed into your radio. This allows all
radios in this group to see each other. Then program each individ-
ual radio with an ANI Code (number that corresponds to the radio
call of the user), with end of transmission selected. Each radio
has a unique number. Using this feature may or may not affect the
receipt of some repeater based ID transmissions and may not
work with all Motorola MDC1200 systems. Test first to evaluate
the situation. Also set up in digital signaling for dPMR digital
Receive CTCSS/DCS (QT and QDT)
functions that have been
programmed by your dealer or your communications specialist will allow
you to hear radio traffic only when the these sub-audible signaling tones
have been heard from another similarly programmed radio by your re-
ceiver. Only then will the radio allow you to receive a transmission of the
same tone. If tone decoding is not used or programmed in the transceiv-
er, then all conversations on the programmed frequency will be heard.
12.4 Talkaround.
This function is enabled by the user in situ-
ations where the user does not want to trip the repeater but have
local ground operation conversations to local responders and not
be heard over the repeater network.
First select your channel. This must be a repeater channel.
THE PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE. To cancel and return to nor-
mal repeater operations: Press the HOT KEY button.
USING THE TALKAROUND FUNCTION will see all Radio units
that are in close proximity to your area of operations hear you on
the repeaters output frequency as you are transmitting and receiv-
ing on the repeater output frequency. They also, as well as you,
will hear the repeater. The corresponding CTCSS/DCS tones will
also follow automatically.
This is not to be confused with
hot key operation, which simply inverts the TX and
RX frequencies and tones.
(See Page 12). Consult your Com-
munications Officer for details.
K-911 Main Product Features at a Glance:
The K-911 is a 128 channel x 2 transceiver with 2 channel groups
(zones), (A and B), and features a 5 watt (VHF), 4 watt (UHF) power out-
put with both analog and with digital dPMR capability. (dPMR is very
similar to NXDN protocol implementation by Kenwood and Icom; both
now offer dual-standard equipment (July 2013). Users are expected to be
familiar with these modes and has on hand a communications officer to
support these radios. Programming and radio se up requires some radio
knowledge. Having said this, using the Programming Software, one can
get on the air
while exploring the radio
s other capabilities of
this radio. Software is needed for many of the features.
Noted features:
2 Tone/5 Tone/DTMF Decode and Encode (Pager Function)
2.5/6,25/12.5/25 KHz narrow/wide band spacing w/2.5 KHz Channel
ANI ID code/dPMR signaling (check compatibility with your radio
VOX operation (for hands free operation)
LCD Color TFT display with channel, frequency or English language
channel alias, with or without access to frequency list.
Audio Compander X-Pander improves audio quality when in narrow-
band mode.
Programmable by software with PC and/or Front Keypad* [*Keypad
programming access may be locked out by the software.]
Wired Cloning capable
50 CTCSS ands 104 DCS Normal/Inverted tones,
Time-out-Timer (TOT)
Busy Channel Lock-out (BCL)
Battery Fuel Gauge and Low Battery Alert
Remote Kill, Remote Stun if programmed
dPMR compatible digital