Random track
: gives you the chance create your own racetrack. These are tracks you will
never meet in Championship, Career, Quick or Ghost races because every detail in this track is
based on the code (maximum 8 characters) you enter or generate. This gives you an almost
endless number of tracks to keep you from getting too confident with the pre-defined tracks of
other game modes. Entering the same code gives you the same level every time so if you really
like a track, you can replay any time as long as you remember its code.
: here you can check the best lap times for every available (non-linear) pre-defined track
for each and every one of your profiles. You can also find here the Code you need to enter for online
rankings on the K-Rally website. You can scroll between tracks by pressing left or right.
is the place to change the settings to match your own personal needs and circumstances
as much as possible.
Menu controls
: is the place to change how to move around, choose something or cancel a
choice in the menus. To assign a new button to a function, press ACCEPT on the function you
want to change then the new button you want to use for that function.
Game control
is where you pick the keys for steering, activating Turbo or using rockets and
mines the same way as you do it for Menu Controls. You can also turn on or off the automatic
acceleration and Turbo. Remember: with auto Turbo on, you choose to use all the Turbo as
soon as it is available so there is no slowing down. You can change this option only here and not
during a race.
volume is from 1 to 10 with 10 being the loudest and 1 being soundless for the
background music in the menus and during races while
volume is the same for sound effects like rain, explosions, engine etc
turns the vibration on or off (if available for your device)
Switch profile
give you the opportunity to change from one profile to another or create a new
one by choosing an unused profile slot. You have to do the same things in the same order you
did at the beginning of the game.
Delete profile
is the place to remove profiles you do not want to use any more or you are
simply unhappy with. After you have confirmed your decision, you have to create a new profile
for that slot straight away.
changes the graphical details of your game during races. 7 is the highest level where
you get to see every possible eye-candy K-Rally has to offer from spectators to clouds, from
car’s headlights to birds. These numerous features can be power-hungry so you have to find the
best settings that your device can handle without slowing down the game.
Credits shows you the list of people who made it possible to bring this game to your phone (PDA,
Pocket PC, PC etc) with literally years of hard work.
Exit closes the game.