User Manual
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TLD5542-1IVREG-EVAL evaluation board
User Manual
Board control with PC GUI
Board control with PC GUI
The TLD5542-1 PC GUI consists of 2 interfaces:
Basic user interface
Engineering user interface
The GUI works only if the TLD5542-1 EVALBOARD is correctly connected to the μIO stick and power supply is
applied to the
NOTE: The text “ON/OFF” displayed on the PC GUI buttons, shows the action that will be performed, and not
the status, of the item that is being utilized. For example, enable button showing “ON” → device is actually off
and if the button is pressed device will turn on.
Basic user interface
Basic user interface allows simplified access to the main registers on TLD5542-1 (e.g. analog dimming with a
knob) and provides direct feedback on TLD5542-1 status, showing indicators for each standard diagnosis
register bit.
It is possible to provide EN signal and PWMI without the need for a function generator.
In order to turn on the device press the EN button, the “Power State Feedback” tab, the “Active” indicator shall
turn on.
Only once the device is on, the desired analog dimming value can be set by the ”Analog Dimming” knob on the
“Dimming” tab.
NOTE: Analog dimming value is reset to 100% on the TLD5542-1 device once the EN is turned off.
Figure 17
TLD5542-1 GUI – Basic user interface
On the “Diagnosis/Monitoring” tab, (see Figure 17 ) the standard diagnosis register is provided, showing
information on the working status of the device.