\\Ads4\verwaltung\INDUTHERM\Produktunterlagen\Begleitblaetter\WORD\86196800_handling_after_transport_VTC800V_GB.doc 08.07.2016 p 4
Technical background for fast heating cycles
For optimum heating speed the filling of crucible is very important
Big nuggets will melt very fast, if the are inside the middle of the coil.
So fill in material like described below:
a.) Start with 2-3 cm loose drillings or turnings on the crucible bottom
b.) Now put some of solid pieces like nuggets on top, so that they are
approximately in the middle of the inductor coil. Place pieces horizontal.
c.) Add additional pieces like thin stripes on top the big pieces.
Please staple pieces loose, so that you still have room
for expansion of the material. If not the crucible will
crack during heating
Also you should know that we have high tolerances of the mechanical
construction due to expansion by heat. To please check every time that he
mould is in the middle of your crucible centre before you start pouring!
Drillings or small stripes on top
Middle axis of inductor with big
pieces lying horizontal
Smaller pieces and drilling should be
placed on the bottom