\\Ads4\verwaltung\INDUTHERM\Produktunterlagen\Begleitblaetter\WORD\86196800_handling_after_transport_VTC800V_GB.doc 08.07.2016 p 1
Documentation for INDUTHERM no. :
86196800 after transport VTC800V
Thank you for buying our product. Attached is a short installation process,
before you start your serial production.
Before you start:
1.) Please check, if your machine has any damages from the transport.
Inside and outside of the machine is a tilting sensor to detect, if the
machine was tilted (not allowed) the blue liquid will be seen on the tip of
the sensor #84400010
There are two sensors. One outside of the box. Check the
outside sensor while the truck driver is there. One is
inside the machine.
Sensor #84400010
if the machine was tilted
2.) Remove the red transport safety bar T shaped.
Keep the bar after transport!
INDUTHERM technician:
Klaus Schmidt
Tel: +49-7203-9218-12
Unscrew and remove the
red plate and the bar!
Remove the 4 screws.