The SolidDrive SD1g should be mounted in an
inconspicuous location of the window. Simply apply
the VHB pad that comes with the drive to the base of
the drive (the side opposite the label). Remove one side
of the protective layers from the VHB disc and apply
to the base of the SD1g. Then remove the other
protective layer and apply to glass surface with
moderate pressure.
When mounting the SolidDrive on the window, keep it
about 4 to 6 inches from the window frame. The
SolidDrive SD1g will have maximum output with at
least 20 square feet of window surface space (Figure 1).
Make the electrical connection between the SolidDrive
SD1g and the speaker cable using the Eurostyle
connector attached to the end of the SolidDrive SD1g
audio cable. The polarity of the wiring is clearly
indicated (Figure 2).
Mount the SolidDrive SD1g onto the
glass surface.
Make the electrical connections.
Figure 2.
Eurostyle connector
By utilizing these three basic installation steps,
you can install the SolidDrive SD1g on glass
Getting Started with SolidDrive
What’s included with the SolidDrive SD1g
for installation on glass surfaces and what
is supplied by the installer
A SolidDrive SD1g consists of:
One (1) SolidDrive SD1g unit and attached wiring
harness with Eurostyle connector. *
No additional
mounting materials are needed.
For glass:
For installation on glass surfaces, the
SolidDrive SD1g comes with a VHB double-sided
adhesive disc.
The SolidDrive SD1g can be installed on windows
to deliver sound to glass storefronts and glass
reception areas. The entire windowpane can become
a speaker delivering both interior and exterior sound
on single-pane glass. For double-pane glass, it is
important to mount the SolidDrive SD1g to the side
you wish to be audible.
The SolidDrive mounted to glass works great for
these applications:
• Restaurants
• Mall stores
• Auto dealerships
• Department stores
• Stadium sky boxes
• Reception areas
• Glass atriums
• ANY pane of glass where you want
audio delivered.
Figure 1.
Mounting the SolidDrive SD1g to glass.