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Содержание Wristfit HR

Страница 1: ...用户手册 智能触感心率监测手环 Wristfit HR ...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...使用环境 工作温度 20 C到55 C 防水级别 带着手环洗手 洗澡 游泳等环境下可以正常使用 IP67级防水 电池待机时间 200小时 01 ...

Страница 4: ...A B C D 包装清单 A 手环 B 充电器 C 用户手册 D 充电线 02 ...

Страница 5: ...获取APP Wristfit HR 智能触感心率监测手环 APP 兼容蓝牙 4 0 BLE 安卓 4 3 iOS 7 及以上系统的智能手机 平板电脑 扫描下方二维码 在各主要应用商店中搜索 Wristfit HR 即可下载使用 Android客户端 iOS客户端 03 ...

Страница 6: ...充电 首次使用手环 或手环显示低电量图标时 请遵循下述步骤为手环充电 1 将充电线的Micro USB接口插入充电器 2 将充电器与手环吸附到一起 确保二者的金属触点接触良好 04 ...

Страница 7: ...3 将充电线的 USB 接口插入电源 4 正常充电时手环屏幕将显示滚动电量图标 手环满 充时 图标将变更为 充电全程一般约需 1 5 小时 05 ...

Страница 8: ...佩戴手环 将手环环绕拟佩戴的手腕 将表孔一侧的表带 穿越另一侧表 带的金属环 根据手腕的粗细调整好松紧度 直至佩戴不脱落 06 ...

Страница 9: ...对请求 点击 接受配对 5 手环与移动设备配对成功后 将提示 若配对失败 手环将显示 请重复上述步骤直至配对成功 6 如果用户需要使用其它账户配对手环 请先解除当前配对后 再遵循上述步骤操作 1 安装 打开 Wristfit HR App 同时开启移动设备的网络和 蓝牙功能 2 新用户请点击 注册 按照界面所示完成账户注册 输入 用户的准确个人信息后 点击 3 保持手环 APP 较近的距离 从蓝牙列表中选择对应的手 环型号 07 ...

Страница 10: ...操作手环 手环不使用时将灭屏 双击手环的中间触控区域可点亮屏幕 非触控区域不会执行用户的任何操作 仅能对点按 左右滑动 手势做出反应 建议您使用指尖而非指甲来操控屏幕界面 2 3 1 5 1 P M x2 08 ...

Страница 11: ...时间 配对 同步数据后 手环会自动显示已配对移动设备的日期和 时间 请注意及时充电 以免电量为零时 手表时间恢复出厂时间 09 ...

Страница 12: ...步数 距离 卡路里 运动时长 手环可监测并在屏幕上显示用户一整天活动的步数 距离 燃 烧的卡路里以及运动时长 步数 距离 卡路里 运动时长 10 ...

Страница 13: ...长 步行的距离以 及消耗的卡路里 您可以通过在触控屏幕显示区域查看手环显 示的数据 您也可以通过 App 的 主界面 选项来监测您的活 动资料和历史记录 您可通过运动画面来检查您每日目标的完 成进度 单击运动栏可取得您每日 每周和每月表现的详细图表 手环显示每日数据 手环数据会在每天零时清零 数据将保存 在手环里 在 APP 端同步数据时上传至服务器 数据不会丢失 若要上传您最新活动资料 请按 App 右上角的同步图标 同步运动数据 11 ...

Страница 14: ...请按照下述方法排除障碍 1 请确保手机的网络和蓝牙同时打开 2 请确保手环 手机之间的距离在 5 米之内 3 请确认是否已经与手环配对成功 APP 无法同步数据 12 ...

Страница 15: ...心率 将手环紧贴手腕并切换至心率界面 停留在该界面 3 秒后 屏幕显示跳动红色心形 即开启心率监测功能 开启心率提醒 手环在心率监测页面长摁 3 秒以上 即可停止心率监测 关闭心率提醒 13 ...

Страница 16: ...打开 App 的 设置 心率 选项 可设置实时心率过高 偏低时的提醒范围 设置心率提醒范围 心率过高提醒 心率过低提醒 95 60 14 ...

Страница 17: ...秒表 将手环切换至秒表界面 单击手环右侧的开始图标 可开启 秒表功能 暂停秒表计时时 请点击手环右侧的暂停图标 单击手环左侧的循环图标 可终止秒表工作 15 ...

Страница 18: ...APPS菜单 模式切换 手环设置 返回 电量 屏幕翻转 手环信息 恢复出厂设置 重启 点击 包涵以下界面 16 ...

Страница 19: ...运动模式 点击 即可进入运动模式 运动模式下 手环可追踪用户 当日的运动数据 睡眠模式 开启手环的睡眠监测功能 可追踪用户的睡眠状态 点击 再点击 的 即可进入睡眠模式 其中 表示睡眠时长 用户如需退出睡眠模式 请点击 17 ...

Страница 20: ...电量 点击 图标 手环显示 即为手环当前电量 为达到最佳的使用效果 手环电量请不要低于 20 屏幕翻转 用户如需翻转屏幕 可在手环上设置显示角度 点击 再点击 然后 点击 最后选择 即可 18 ...

Страница 21: ...重启 当手环出现故障无法正常使用时 用户可通过重启排除 故障 重启设备后 不会删除设备上的数据 点击 再点击 然后 点击 最后选择 的 即可 19 ...

Страница 22: ...手环信息 在设置菜单 的 界面可以查看 手环的 ID 号 恢复出厂设置 用户如需将手环还原至出厂时的状态 删除手环上已记 录的数据 可进行恢复出厂设置操作 点击 点击 点击 选择 的 即可 20 ...

Страница 23: ...点击 App 的 目标 选项 用户可依次修改每日的步数 运 动时长 距离 卡路里 睡眠时间目标值 单击右上方的保存 按钮完成设置 目标完成时 手环将振动显示 目标 21 ...

Страница 24: ...运动提醒 睡觉提醒 用餐提醒 闹钟提醒 自定义提醒 用户如需在特定时间让手环提示运动 睡眠 用餐 吃药 闹 钟等事项 可依序设置提醒闹钟 点击 App 的 提醒 选项 添加提醒 根据需要添加提醒 完成同步 手环提醒时 滑动屏幕可忽略该提醒 否则将在 2 分钟后再次 提醒 提醒时手环显示的界面分别如下 提醒 吃药提醒 22 ...

Страница 25: ...机 平板电脑相关的通知事项 可循序进行如 下操作 打开 APP 设置 通知 授予 Wristfit HR 通知使用权 安卓 返回后开启所需通知项的按钮 完成同步 为保证手环的通知功能能正常实现 请确保移动设备的蓝牙和网 络正常运行 若出现多个通知时 滑动屏幕可依次查看 通知进行时 相关说 明事项及手环显示界面含义如下所示 来电通知 可显示来电号码或来电者中英文姓名 通知 未接来电通知 最多可查看 5 个未接来电 23 ...

Страница 26: ...短信通知 1 最多可查看 3 条短信 每条短信最多可翻看 3 页 超出以省略号代替 2 单击屏幕即可忽略通知 否则将在下次激活 屏幕时再次通知 邮箱通知 智能设备的邮件程序收到新邮件时作通知 社交通知 社交应用有新动态时 将亮屏显示通知图标及数量 日历事件通知 在智能设备日历中设置的事件 手环将适时另作 通知 防丢失通知 手环与智能设备偏离预设范围时 手环将作提示 24 ...

Страница 27: ...超过 24 小时 2 请按照充电说明充电 避免设备发生短路 损坏电池 3 请在通风 清凉的房间里充电 温度过高的充电环境可能会 导致设备过热 变形 冒烟 着火甚至是爆炸 4 本设备使用内置电池 禁止自行拆卸 请不要发生摔落 碰 撞 挤压 穿刺或切割等行为 5 请确保设备远离潮湿环境 请不要佩戴该设备游泳 不要在 水下操作本设备 6 请远离热源 避免阳光长久直晒 严禁投入火中 该行为易 引发爆炸 7 请勿将本设备置放于多烟 多尘的环境中 8 请将本设备远离孩童 存放于安全的地方 25 ...

Страница 28: ...9 电池破裂 泄漏时 请避免与眼睛 皮肤接触 情况发生时 请不要揉搓接触部位 立即使用清水冲洗 或去医院 10 不得使用已损坏或已老化的电池 温馨提示 请按照当地的法律法规处置电池 本设备电池不可作为普通生 活垃圾处理 26 ...

Страница 29: ...规格参数 显示屏 尺寸 材质 加速度传感器 电池 正常待机 蓝牙 防水级别 重量 OLED彩屏 80 160点阵 表盘 49 23 11 5 mm 表带 24 3 150 195 mm 机身 PC 显示窗 玻璃镜片 表带 TPU 心率传感器 3轴加速度传感器 190 mAh 200小时 Bluetooth 4 0 BLE 生活防水 约25克 27 ...

Страница 30: ...声明 请用户仔细阅读本手册 内容仅供参考 对于本手册中的任何技术性错误 编辑错误 遗漏或内容更新 不及时 或是因提供本手册而导致的任何意外或衍生性损害 智欣科技均不负赔偿责任 并保留更改其内容而不另行通知的 权利 28 ...

Страница 31: ...Wristfit HR O W N E R S M A N U A L 29 ...

Страница 32: ...ce stand by 200 hours Battery Waterproof functionality classification Day to day waterproof functionality The band can be used during daily cleansing or in midst of rain as long as only the surface is exposed to water and no water pressure is exerted on the device 30 ...

Страница 33: ...A B C D Articles in the box A Tracker module B Charging cradle C Micro USB cable D Owner s Manual 31 ...

Страница 34: ...Charge your tracker 1a Connect the cradle Position the charging cradle to connect to the back of your tracker Tips Pls charge your tracker 1 5 hours before first use 32 ...

Страница 35: ...1b Make sure they are on the right places Match the pins on the cradle with the contact points on your tracker and snap them together Charge your tracker 33 ...

Страница 36: ...s in contact with the charger 3 Insert the micro USB cable into the band charging stand Connect the USB cable with a power source A Charging icon will be shown on the screen When the charging is completed a Full icon will be shown on the screen A full charge will take 1 5 hours When the battery is low a Low power icon will appear on the screen 34 ...

Страница 37: ...ting band APP To setup your band with a mobile device you must first get the Wristfit HR APP Search for Wristfit HR in the App Store or in Google Play Download and install the APP in your mobile device Android iOS 35 ...

Страница 38: ...our mobile device If you are a new member please register or login with an existing account Click Setup after entering your personal information 3 Make sure that the band is located nearby Select Wristfit HR from your Bluetooth menu 4 A connection request will be shown on your mobile device 36 ...

Страница 39: ...ssfully both your band and mobile device will receive a notification If the connection is not successful please repeat the same steps The connection is a one time process If you would like to connect the band with another account you must cancel the existing connection first 37 ...

Страница 40: ... device Button up the band Wear the band on your wrist Fasten it up Push the buckle through the button opening Recommendation Add a few drops of water on the wrist band opening will make the buckling up easier 38 ...

Страница 41: ... only respond when the specific sensor area is tapped The band screen will stay off when not in use Double tap the screen to boot up the device To make sure that the band will respond accurately to your tapping we recommend that you use your finger tip instead of your finger nail 2 3 1 5 1 P M x2 39 ...

Страница 42: ...ching the screen with your finger tip Slide left or right to change the screen and menu Slide your finger right and left on the screen surface Tips If you are not sure what to do on a specific screen try swiping left or right to switch to another interface 40 ...

Страница 43: ...Slide left or right to change the interface Main Menu Time date Step Distance Calorie Sport duration Heart rate Timer 41 ...

Страница 44: ...ically be synchronized with the connected mobile device You can also setup your preferred display mode of time and date manually through the settings of Wristfit HR APP Please make sure that the battery charges on your band is sufficient to avoid resetting of the time 42 ...

Страница 45: ... the steps and the distance you have walked throughout the day as well as the calories you have burnt You can check the data shown on the band screen You can also monitor your activity data and historical record at the Calories Sport duration Distance Steps 43 ...

Страница 46: ...face You can retrieve your daily weekly and monthly detailed chart by tapping the activity column once The band will display daily data The APP will be reset daily at midnight If you would like to upload your latest activity data please tap the upper right the main interface icon in your Wristfit HR APP 44 ...

Страница 47: ... seconds or more the heart rate monitor will be activated automatically To turn off the heart rate monitor after the heart rate has been activated switch to the heart rate interface Tap and hold the screen for 3 seconds or more to turn off the heart rate monitoring Heart rate 45 ...

Страница 48: ...Heart rate reminder You can select your heart rate alert zone at the Setting section of your Wristfit HR APP Heart rate too high Heart rate too low 95 60 46 ...

Страница 49: ...Timer Switch to stopwatch interface start the stopwatch function by clicking right side icon Click on the pause icon for pausing Click the left side icon for resetting data 47 ...

Страница 50: ...APPS menu Tap on the APPS to enter the APPS menu Slide left or right to change the interface APPS menu Mode change Device setting Back 48 ...

Страница 51: ...Sport mode Steps Sport duration Heart rate Timer Distance Calories Tap on the to enter sport mode Swipe Left and Swipe Right to change screens 49 ...

Страница 52: ...Sleep mode Tap on the to enter sleep mode Sleep duration Slide left or right to change the interface Go to sleep Exit sleep Back 50 ...

Страница 53: ...Setting menu Flip screen Restart Factory reset Back Device info Battery charges Tap on the to enter setting menu 51 ...

Страница 54: ...Battery charges You can check the battery charges with the first option of the setting menu To ensure the optimal functionalities please make sure that the battery charges are not lower than 20 52 ...

Страница 55: ...Device info You can check the device info with the info option of the setting menu ID number of your device is available in the info section 53 ...

Страница 56: ...tionality allows you to choose the orientation of the band best suited to your wrist To flip the screen enter the Flip screen at the setting menu Flip the screen towards left Tap the Flip screen option to enter the confirmation screen Select either option 54 ...

Страница 57: ...ithout having to erase the data This function will not delete the data on your device To restart your device enter the Restart at the setting menu Restart device Tap on the Restart option on the screen to enter the confirmation screen Select either option 55 ...

Страница 58: ...l state during factory shipment This function will delete the activity sleep etc data on your device To factory reset enter the Factory Reset option at the setting menu Factory reset Select either option Tap on the Factory Reset option to enter the confirmation screen 56 ...

Страница 59: ...messages And each message will display up to 3 page contents The first page will show sender s name and the second third pages will show the contents Contents exceeding 3 pages will be replaced with at the end of the text Note When there are multiple reminders slide the screen to check each one of them 57 ...

Страница 60: ...sed call notifications Missed call notifications Click on the icon to check the missed calls Up to 5 missed calls can be displayed Bluetooth disconnection notifications Social media notifications Social media notifications 58 ...

Страница 61: ...ou wish to receive on your band If you would like to dismiss a certain notification slide the select button leftwards Then dismiss the notification by single tapping your band screen If the notification is not dismissed it will reappear next time you turn on the screen Incoming call notifications Latin alphabets caller s name in English and Chinese are supported for the incoming call notification ...

Страница 62: ...HR App You can set up to 6 types of daily reminders as well as selecting the type preferred time and date The band will vibrate slightly and display the corresponding reminder Single tapping the band will dismiss the reminder If you haven t dismiss the reminder it will reappear in 2 minutes Eat Sleep Activity 60 ...

Страница 63: ...set up your goals for daily walking steps distance calorie burnt and sleeping hours Single tap the upper right synchronization button to save your goal settings When your goal is reached your band will vibrate slightly and display the Goal achieved icon 61 ...

Страница 64: ...62 ...

Страница 65: ...e time for data synchronization 2 Check if your band is near your phone The connection distance is within 5 meters 3 Make sure that your band had been connected with your devices APP failed to connect with the band 1 Check if your phone network and Bluetooth settings are turned on or not Both the phone network and Bluetooth need to be on at the same time for data synchronization 63 ...

Страница 66: ... is near your phone The connection distance is within 5 meters 3 Make sure that the band is not connected to other account Kindly contact us if the above didn t solve your issues Send us an email at service appscomm cn 64 ...

Страница 67: ...Supported devices iOS 7 Bluetooth 4 0 BLE iPhone 4s iPad3 iPad Mini iPod touch5 iOS Android 4 3 Bluetooth 4 0 BLE Android 65 ...

Страница 68: ...n size material sensor battery standby blutooth waterproof weight Colorful OLED 80 160 Body 49 23 11 5 mm Bracelet 24 3 150 195 mm PC Glass TPU Heart rate G Sensor 190 mAh 200小时 Bluetooth 4 0 BLE IP67 25g 66 ...

Страница 69: ... Please do not expose the device to direct sunlight place for long duration Please do not place the device in vicinity of a fire Please avoid contact between the device and any sharp object Please do not misuse the device including but not limited to falling dismantling dissembling pressing puncturing baking burning etc Please do not clean the device with an abrasive cleaner Please keep it out of ...

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