Wireless M-Bus Range Extender /
User Manual Version 1.0
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The Wireless M-Bus standard (EN 13757-4) is used in many wireless
and smart
. These meters and sensors
communicating according to defined radio operation modes based on a standard FSK modulation with more or less range to the
corresponding receiving unit.
The LoRa® modulation has become the standard wireless technology for outdoor and indoor applications which require a perfect trade-off
among communication range and battery life. Therefore it is a perfect means to increase the range of wireless communication systems. The
Wireless M-Bus Range Extender in the following referred to as Range Extender combines the two modulation technics and communication
protocol stacks in one single device.
A typical usecase for the Range Extender is the forwarding of Wireless M-Bus messages of a configurable group of sensor / meter devices T
he Range Extender offers a flexible way to define hourly, daily, weekly or monthly reception windows for sampling of WM-Bus messages and
a large data memory for temporary buffering. Even large WM-Bus messages with maximum payload size can be forwarded within LoRaWAN
radio packets by means of an integrated segmentation & reassembly protocol.
Configuration of firmware parameters like LoRaWAN settings, calendar events, packet filters can be easily managed via serial USB link and
PC-Tool. Calendar events and packet filters can furthermore be updated over the air.
Figure: Overview