steel plating and aluminium press sleeves (Quality Certificate of the rope and plating issued
by the manufacturer).
The plywood used in the production features maintains the required water resistance and has
a three layer acrylic varnish coating with UV protection.
The structural elements are produced of steel pipes and plates with the appropriate profiles.
Their technical and operational characteristics correspond to the loads required during the
operation of the equipment. The equipment structure is designed in accordance with the
requirements of EN1176-1 both in terms of the fixed and variable loads depending on the
number of users in the certain area and in regards with all requirements of this standard for
protection against falls and all types of clamp. The structure is certified by a Construction
Declaration and in-house Test Reports. All parts are covered with a three layer corrosion
resistant primer and environmentally-friendly acrylic varnish suitable for outdoor conditions
(attested by a varnish certificate). The joints are covered by galvanized metal threaded
The equipment should be mounted on the ground in accordance with the Construction Declaration
of the product through concrete foundations with the required dimensions or through anchoring to
the existing concrete slab with a thickness at least 10 cm, which is reinforced in the anchoring area.