A.) Attach left Stride Tube (#21L) to the left axle on Front Post (#22).
B.) Secure the Stride Tube (#21L) to Front Post with one D Washer (#32), one Ø 1 ¼” x Ø
⅜” Flat
Washer (#31), one Ø
⅜” Lock Washer (#30), and one
M10 x ¾” Hex Bolt (#29).
C.) Cover the pivot joint with two left Stride Tube Covers (#47L) and secure them together with two
ST5 x
⅝” Self Tapping Screws (#33).
D.) Cover the bottom of Left Stride Tube with one Stride Tube Bottom Cover Set (#52) and secure
with two ST4 x 1
⅛” Self Tapping Screws (#53)
E.) Repeat A, B, C, and D to install Right Stride Tube (#21R) to Front Post.