7.1.9. Display
Here you can change the multi-colour display to black and white, if
7.1.10. Energy management
Here you can determine whether resp. after what interval the radio
should switch automatically from the operating to stand-by mode.
You can select from 5, 15 and 30 minutes.
If the radio does not switch off automatically, go to the line Switch
Off, and confirm the command with Enter.
7.1.11. Weather
If the radio is connected with the Internet, you can also show wea-
ther information on the radio display. This menu item allows you to
select the place for which weather information is to be shown. You
can also specify the temperature units.
Weather information is displayed in stand-by mode. The radio will
alternate the display automatically between weather data and the
current time.
7.1.12. FM Settings
Here you can switch between stereo and mono reproduction of FM
radio reception.
This setting can be useful if you are tuned to an FM station with a
weak and distorted signal. In this case, change the setting to Mono
to improve the quality.
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18.08.17 11:37