CAS Series Assembly Instructions
- Turn crate onto it's top.
- Set (2) Female Corners on crate Back Panel.
- Install (2) screws & nuts per corner into
Back Panel and Side Panel
(bottom hole will not be used).
-> Loosely tighten nuts, tighten with tools
once in place.
- Set Bottom Pan in place, with tray on inside.
- Follow number sequence to install
1. Slide Bottom under Curners installed in Step 10.
2. Pinch Bottom to back at Loction 2 pictured.
3. Lower Bottom onto interal rail on Front Panel.
- Place a screw through the Back Pan into Bottom
Panel, hand tighten nut onto screw.
- Place remaining screws & nuts into Bottom Pan.
- Tighten all screws & nuts with tools once in place.
- Move to front of crate, open the door.
- Repeat Step 10 to install the last female corners
onto the front of the crate.
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