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Nemo SX - Multifunction control
Cat. N°: SXM0C1
6.2 Supervised system
(Computer Supervisory System)
6.2.2 Supervised system with remote addressing (through a computer)
Consequences for the system architecture:
for 1 IP/Modbus gateway (cat. no SXIIP):
up to 247 Modbus address
Because of Modbus: mandatory limit of max. 32 Modbus/Nemo SX interfaces or max. 1000 m of Modbus cable (cable Belden 9842,
Belden 3106A or equivalent).
for1 Modbus/Nemo SX Interface (cat. no SXI485):
up to 30 Nemo SX modules or grouped modules (e.g. 30 devices grouped per functions with addresses from1 to 30)
It is possible to assign to several devices the same address with the purpose of grouping different functions, because they are related to the
same electrical circuit. For example it is possible to assign the same address to a multifunction signalling module (cat. no SXMC02), a
multifunction control module (cat. no SXM0C1), a measuring module, and so on. In this way on the Nemo SX display or in a supervision system
the grouped function will be displayed as a unique “device” with all grouped functions.
[Refer to the scheme up here]
Technical data sheet: IDP000170EN_02
Updated: 14/02/2018
Created: 31/08/2017
Cat. no SXIIP