The International Marine Contractors Association
(IMCA) is the international trade association
representing offshore, marine and underwater
engineering companies.
IMCA promotes improvements in quality, health, safety,
environmental and technical standards through the publication of
information notes, codes of practice and by other appropriate
Members are self-regulating through the adoption of IMCA
guidelines as appropriate. They commit to act as responsible
members by following relevant guidelines and being willing to be
audited against compliance with them by their clients.
There are two core activities that relate to all members:
Competence & Training
Safety, Environment & Legislation
The Association is organised through four distinct divisions, each
covering a specific area of members’ interests: Diving, Marine,
Offshore Survey, Remote Systems & ROV.
There are also five regional sections which facilitate work on
issues affecting members in their local geographic area –
Asia-Pacific, Central & North America, Europe & Africa, Middle
East & India and South America.
M 229
This report has been prepared in order to give IMCA members
an overview and review of the Mini RadaScan position reference
sensor as used within dynamic positioning applications.
Mini RadaScan is a microwave radar sensor system which has
gained wide usage within marine offshore operations.
The major part of the document has been prepared by the
manufacturers of this system, Guidance Marine Ltd. It covers the
components of the system, sensor design, operation including
advantages and disadvantages, servicing and maintenance,
applications and technical specification.
The information contained herein is given for guidance only and endeavours to
reflect best industry practice. For the avoidance of doubt no legal liability shall
attach to any guidance and/or recommendation and/or statement herein contained.
© 2015 IMCA – International Marine Contractors Association