Selenio™ Network Processor
User Guide
Configuring Programs
© 2019 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.
May 2019 | Page 117
SDI UHD Output Link Select
Determines which SDI output to use. Options will vary depending on
whether the processor is in Conversion, Sync, or Remap mode.
1st Link (TL) top left
2nd Link (TR) top right
3rd Link (BL) bottom left
4th Link (BR) bottom right
UHD (Quad Link) (convert only)
UHD (12G) Across all personalities except Sync when in HD mode, 1st BNC
SDI Audio Embedder (Output Tab)
These options only appear when SDI output is enabled (above).
General Config
ADS Clean
Clears the audio data space before embedding.
Grp (1 - 4) Pair (1 - 2) Control
Enables embedding of the selected pair in the audio group. By default all
groups are enabled.
General Status
Grp (1 - 4) Append Error
Read-only parameter that indicates whether there is an append error on
the specified embedder group.
Grp (1 - 4) OverWrite Error
Read-only parameter that indicates whether there is an overwrite error on
the specified embedder group.
IP Video Configuration (Output Tab)
Video IP Transmitter Enable
Enables this transmitter.
Transmitter Mode
Configures the operational mode of this transmitter. Options are:
ST 2110-20
ST2022-6 (only available when the standard is HD)
Packing Mode
Selects either General packing mode (GPM) or Byte packing mode (BPM).
GPM is the default.
This parameter is only available when the Transmitter Mode (above) is set
to ST 2110-20.