the initialized admin-user PIN (ie. 123456) of user No.00 will only be kept after factory
resetting. Once a new admin-user PIN has been registered, the system will automatically
replace and delete the initialized admin-user PIN.
2) Adding Admin-user PIN
Verify admin-user —-Add user—Add administration User
a. ‘Please enter the administer information’ please enter 6 digits PIN, press ‘#’ to
b. ‘Please enter again’ enter again the same PIN, press ‘#’ to conQirm
c. if both PIN are correctly matched, it will be notiQied with ‘operation success’
d. otherwise, it will be notiQied with ‘operation failed’
e. check PIN information, if it is not existing user, it will be notiQied with ‘operation
success’; otherwise, ‘repeated code’
3) Adding IC card
Verify admin-user —-Add user—Add admin-user
a. ‘Please enter the administer information’ place MF card close to card reader
a. check card information, if it is not existing user, it will be notiQied with ‘operation
b. otherwise, it will be notiQied with ‘repeating card’
Note: if adding timeframe card, it must Qirst set up available timeframe, then available door-
opening timeframe, and lastly register the card. Card will be expired and deleted after the
speciQic set-up time period.
4) Adding Uingerprint
Verify admin-user —-Add user—Add admin-user
a. ‘Please enter the administer information’.
b. continuously scan Qingerprint for 2 times.
c. If both Qingerprints are matched, it will be notiQied with ‘operation success’.
d. If the Qingerprint is already existed, system will notify with ‘repeating Qingerprint’
after Qirst round of scanning process.
Note: Note: if adding timeframe Qingerprint, it must Qirst set up available timeframe, then
available door-opening timeframe, and lastly register the Qingerprint. Fingerprint will be
expired and deleted after the speciQic set-up time period.
5) Deleting user
Verify admin-user —-Delete user—Delete User No.
a. Enter user code/user number
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Focused on intelligent lock solution