Mounting the camera using the NPT Pendant Cap
Follow the instructions below to mount the camera using the NPT pendant cap.
This method may be used for mounting the indoor and outdoor versions of the camera.
Refer to mounting kit instructions for details on how to use the pole kit or pendant arm accessories with the NPT
pendant cap and camera.
Figure 7 NTP Pendant Cap (1 1/2 ")
Mounting the camera using the NPT pendant cap
Step Action
Attach the waterproof rubber seal (with outdoor model camera only) to the mount. Use lubricant if
necessary to help ease the rubberproof seal onto the mount.
Thread the data cable and ethernet cable through the center hole of the mount and connect the cable to
the camera body.
Install the camera on the NPT pendant cap by turning the camera clockwise. Then tighten the screw at
the side of the fixing plate.
After installing the camera on the NPT pendant cap, put the dome cover back on. Then fasten the screw
on the side of the dome cover.
The Illustra Flex PTZ outdoor adaptor (IFPTZORECADTR) may be used for mounting an outdoor PTZ
camera into a recessed mount (IFPTZWRECMT).
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