2. Assembling the arches
a) Assemble the round rooftop by attaching the arch tubes 2, 3 and 4 together with top cross bars 7 and 8.
Fasten with 45mm and 75 mm screws and nuts. Note! The nuts come always on the inside of the carport.
Assemble the top cross bar holder (6). Assemble the connection tubes 9 and 10. Note that the connection
tube 9 is placed at the end of the carport.
c) Assemble top diagonal bars (11). It is important to assemble them now because they prevent the frame from
crashing when the tarpaulin is assembled. See the figure below.
3. Assembling the roof tarpaulin and the vertical tubes
a) Lift the roof tarpaulin on the carport. Note! Fastening rings of the tarpaulin are inside the carport. Make sure
that the roof tarpaulin middle point is in the carport middle point in order to make the roof even. Make left and
right side of the tarpaulin equally long. Secure the roof tarpaulin to the end tube with the rope and tarpaulin
fastening rings.