background image


IInnssttaalllliinngg  tthhee  PPoorrtt  ccoonntt..
TToo  RReem

moovvee  PPoorrtt

To remove the port lift up on each Release Button and slide the

port lock away from the port.

PPoorrtt  SSeeaall  IInnssiiddee  VViieew


If the port is installed before the

camera is inserted into the housing,

look on the inside of the housings at

the port seal. Check to see that the

o’ring is properly sealed as shown in 

figure 1 and not extruded as shown

in figure 2.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2


After installing the port, turn the Zoom Control knob on the

housing. If the Zoom Control is difficult to turn, the gear sleeve

may be warped. If so reduce or omit any rubber installed on the

Zoom Clamp. (Fig.H on pg.11). 

If the Zoom Clamp is still warped,

use of the #5509.28 package may be required. (See page 7)



Ussiinngg  tthhee  CCoonnvveerrssiioonn  CCiirrccuuiittrryy  

((SSeett  D

DSS  SSuubbssttrroobbee  ttoo  TTTTLL  m


••  M

Mooddee  aanndd  CCoom

mppeennssaattiioonn  D


Note that the TTL

compensation values

are located in the

yellow band. Manual

compensation values

are located in the

black band. Rotate

the Dial to switch

between TTL and

Manual Modes.


TTL Mode

compensation values

are indicated in the

yellow band. Place

the Setting Indicator to TTTTLL  ffoorr  N


O  CCoom

mppeennssaattiioonn. Rotate the

Dial either direction to /- compensation. Place the Setting

Indicator to the desired compensation value. Note that in TTL

compensation values are in 1/3 f-stops.
••  M

Maannuuaall  M


Manual Mode compensation values are indicated in the black

band. Rotate the Dial to place the Setting Indicator to the desired

compensation value. Note that in Manual Mode compensation

values are in 1/2 f-stops from (F) full power to -3 f-stops.

((SSeett  D


SSuubbssttrroobbee  ttoo  TTTTLL  m



Ussiinngg  EExxtteerrnnaall  SSttrroobbeess  CCoonntt..


TTL Scale 
(1/3 stops)

Manual Scale
(1/2 stops)





Ussiinngg  EExxtteerrnnaall  SSttrroobbeess

This housing has Conversion Circuitry built into the housing.

When used with Ikelite DS Substrobes the Conversion Circuitry

provides real Nikon iTTL flash exposure with over and under-

exposure compensation from +1 1/3 to - 1 1/3 f-stops in 1/3 stop




OTTEE::   FFllaasshh  EExxppoossuurree  CCoom

mppeennssaattiioonn  sseett  iinn  tthhee  ccaam

meerraa  w

wiillll  bbee  

aaddddeedd  oorr  ssuubbttrraacctteedd  ffrroom

m  tthhee  ccoom

mppeennssaattiioonn  sseett  oonn  tthhee  

hhoouussiinngg  ccoonnvveerrssiioonn  cciirrccuuiittrryy  iinn  iiTTTTLL..



OTTEE::   BBaallaanncceedd  FFiillll  FFllaasshh  ccaannnnoott  bbee  uusseedd..


Doo  nnoott  uussee  rreedd--eeyyee  rreedduuccttiioonn  sseettttiinngg..


Noottee:: W

Whheenn  U

Ussiinngg  aa  D

DSS--220000  SSuubbssttrroobbee

IInn  CCuussttoom

m  SSeettttiinngg  EE11::  ffllaasshh  ssyynncc  ssppeeeedd  sseettttiinngg  uussee  aa  sshhuutttteerr

ssppeeeedd  ooff  11//112255  ooff  aa  sseeccoonndd  oorr  sslloow


The Conversion Circuitry also offers Manual exposure control

with 3 1/2 f-stops of under-exposure control in 1/2 stop

The Conversion Circuitry is powered by the Ikelite DS Substrobe

when connected to the housing with the #4103.51 single or

#4103.52 dual sync cord. 

See page 12 for DS Substrobe compatibility with the Conversion






DSS  SSuubbssttrroobbee  U

Upp--ddaattee  m

maayy  bbee  rreeqquuiirreedd..


DSS5500  SSuubbssttrroobbeess

• DS50 SubStrobes with a Serial Number below 63,850 can not be

updated to operate with the Conversion Circuitry. 

• DS50 SubStrobes with a Serial Number between 63,850 and

69,999 operate with the Conversion Circuitry, but require update

to provide optimum performance. 

• DS50 Substrobe with a Serial Number of 70,000 or higher or

with one of the two following labels in the battery compartment

provide optimum performance with the Conversion Circuitry.


DSS112255  SSuubbssttrroobbeess

• DS125 Substrobes with a Serial Number below 2,500 must be

updated to operate correctly with the Conversion Circuitry.

• DS125 Substrobes with a Serial Number between 2,501 and

4,900 operate with the Conversion Circuitry but require update

to provide optimum performance.

• DS125 Substrobe with a Serial Number of 5,000 or higher or

with one of the two following labels in the battery compartment

provide optimum performance with the Conversion Circuitry.





serial number

serial number

FFoorr  SSuubbssttrroobbee  U



Contact Ikelite for information. 

Содержание Nikon D200

Страница 1: ... Strobe Mount Gear Sleeve Drive Gear Zoom Control Lid Snap Sub Command Dial Lens Release Focus Mode Power Format Exposure Comp Flash Lid Snap Shutter Release Port Lock Aluminum Tray Port Opening DOF FUNC Quick Release Button External Strobe Connector and Waterproof Cap ViewfinderPort E Thumbnail F Protect G Enter H AF ON I Main Command Dial J Multi Selector K AF area L Card Cover Latch M Flash Com...

Страница 2: ... om m C Cl la am mp p G Ge ea ar r S Sl le ee ev ve e O On n t th he e T Ty yp pe e 1 1L Le en ns se es s I In ns st ta al ll li in ng g t th he e Z Zo oo om m C Cl la am mp p The Zoom Clamp has springs so it can be expanded to fit over the Zoom ring of the lens as shown in F Fi ig g C C Install the Zoom Clamp with the extension tabs toward the rear element of the lens After installing the Zoom Cl...

Страница 3: ... diameter of lens opening on Type 2 lenses the Zoom Clamp and Gear Sleeve need to be installed from the rear bayonet end of the lens Use the housings Lens Release Control and remove the camera lens from the camera body I In ns st ta al ll li in ng g t th he e Z Zo oo om m C Cl la am mp p The Zoom Clamp has springs so it can be expanded to fit over the Zoom ring of the lens as shown in F Fi ig g I ...

Страница 4: ...1 3to 11 3f stops in 1 3stop increments N NO OT TE E F Fl la as sh h E Ex xp po os su ur re e C Co om mp pe en ns sa at ti io on n s se et t i in n t th he e c ca am me er ra a w wi il ll l b be e a ad dd de ed d o or r s su ub bt tr ra ac ct te ed d f fr ro om m t th he e c co om mp pe en ns sa at ti io on n s se et t o on n t th he e h ho ou us si in ng g c co on nv ve er rs si io on n c ci ir r...

Страница 5: ...weight remove the 2 screws from the bottom of the aluminum tray Place the lead weight into the pocket of the aluminum tray and reattach I Ik ke el li it te e L Lu ub be e 0 01 1 8 84 4 1 1 P Po or rt t O O r ri in ng g 0 01 1 0 05 5 H Ho ou us si in ng g B Ba ac ck k O O r ri in ng g 0 01 13 32 2 6 61 1 While both the Port and Back o rings should last quite some time it is best to carry a spare in...

Страница 6: exposed Lightly lubricate the shaft then move the shaft in and out several times This will lubricate the x ring in the Ikelite control gland This should be done before using the housing after a prolonged storage period or once a week when the housing is in use housing lubricate shaft pull out to expose shaft 22 P Po or rt ts s C Co on nt ti in nu ue ed d FLAT PORT For standard macro and telepho...

Страница 7: ...i ip ps s 1 You should completely assemble and test your set up in a swimming pool before using it in openwater 2 It is a good idea to start each photo dive with a fully charged battery s in the camera and strobes 3 As soon as you enter the water take a moment and check the housing to see that it is properly sealed 4 Next check to see if there are any bubbles on the face of the port If there are t...
