mbblliinngg tthhee FFllaatt PPoorrtt
PPoorrtt ccoonnssiissttss ooff FFllaatt AAsssseem
mbbllyy M
Moodduullee aanndd PPoorrtt BBooddyy M
Assemble the Flat Port by screwing each module together as
shown. Modules only need to be hand tight.
#5510.35 Flat Assembly Module
Port Body Module
(varies in length)
#5510.16 shown
Housing port opening
Port Lock
FFooccuuss EExxtteennssiioonn M
Moodduullee #
5510.75 Focus
Extension Module
PPrreeppaarriinngg PPoorrtt BBooddiieess aanndd O
O--rriinnggss ffoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
The Port Body has 2 o-rings. The o-ring on the bottom seals
against the port opening in the SLR-DC housing. The top o-ring
seals against an Extension
Ring or the Flat Port
Assembly. Both o-rings
should be clean and lightly
lubricated before
installation. To remove the
top o-ring from it’s groove,
use a non-sharp instrument
such as a small flat bladed
screwdriver. O-rings can be
cleaned with fresh water. To lubricate the o-ring, put a small
amount of lubricant on your finger tips and gently pull the o-ring
through your fingers. Use only a small amount of lubricant. The
o-ring only needs a light coating of lubricant, just enough to make
it feel slick. Remove any excess lubricant as it can collect foreign
particles such as sand, which can interfere with sealing. When
gently pulling the o-ring through your fingers, do not stretch the
o-ring. Check the o-ring groove where the o-ring fits on the Port
Body to make sure it is clean. Use Q-tips and fresh water, or water
with a mild non-abrasive soap to clean the groove. Also check the
port opening in the housing where the housing/port o-ring will seal
to make sure it is clean.
Port Body
#5510.10 and #5510.11 Super-Wide Port Bodies are NOT
recommended for use with the Modular Flat Port system.
PPrreeppaarriinngg PPoorrtt EExxtteennssiioonnss ffoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
Noonn--FFooccuuss EExxtteennssiioonn M
If an extension ring is used in your Flat Port system, the o-ring
below the outer threads should be removed, cleaned, and lightly
lubricated before installing the Flat Port Assembly.
On the inside of the Extension
Ring just below the internal
threads is a flat sealing surface.
This sealing surface is were the
o-ring on the Port Body will seal
when they are screwed together.
Make sure the threads and
sealing surface are clean, use a
Q-tip with fresh water, or water
with a mild non-abrasive soap solution.
For proper o-ring preparation, Refer to page 5 ((PPrreeppaarriinngg PPoorrtt
BBooddiieess aanndd O
O--rriinnggss ffoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioonn)) .
Extension Module
FFooccuuss EExxtteennssiioonn M
Moodduullee iiss nnoott
ttoo bbee uusseedd w
wiitthh SSuuppeerr--W
PPoorrtt BBooddyy #
#55551100..1100 oorr #
If you are using a Focus Extension Module, please refer to your
Ikelite Manual Focus Port Extension #5510.75 instruction manual
for proper installation.
mbblliinngg tthhee FFllaatt PPoorrtt
PPoorrtt ccoonnssiissttss ooff FFllaatt AAsssseem
mbbllyy M
Moodduullee,, EExxtteennssiioonn M
Moodduullee oorr FFooccuuss
EExxtteennssiioonn M
Moodduullee,, aanndd PPoorrtt BBooddyy M
Assemble the Modular Flat Port by screwing each module together
as shown. Modules only need to be hand tight.
#5510.35 Flat Assembly Module
Extension Module
(varies in length)
5510.75 Focus
Extension Module
Port Body Module
(varies in length)
Housing port opening
Port Lock