A low center of gravity camera design
Ikegami's long and rich experience in professional TV camera
design has enabled us to produce a one-piece recorder
with excellent ergonomics and very good weight balance for the
comfort of the operator.
Specially designed Shoulder Pad
A newly and specially designed shoulder pad made of non-slip
material makes camera work easier. The pad can be esily
Convenient P. FUNC switch
P. FUNC (Personal Function) switch
is provided for the most frequently
used functions for the operator's
convenience, such as control of
scene file recall, Soft Detail, and
Black Press/Black Stretch.
Rotary Encoders for easier Setup
On the lower side of the camera, 3
rotary encoders are provided for
easier access to setup parameters.
This allows camera settings and
checkups even without a remote
control panel.
Camera Menu
The camera incorporates a very practical menu system which is
easy to navigate with a rotary encoder at the front of the camera.
The menu can be customized for specific users by changing which
control items are included.
Instant recall to the Factory Preset condition
Sometimes it is useful to be able to go back to the factory's original
settings. The "initialize" function is provided to do this.
Return Video
In a multiple camera operation, return signals can be observed by
simply using the RET button on the lens control. This is achieved
by connecting RET video to genlock input and selecting as return
source (menu).
Memory Card provision
A Smartmedia card slot is
provvided in order to keep
camera setting
parameters in a small memory
card. Full camera set up, as
well as scene file sets can be
stored to and loaded from the
Various tally lights, even from the rear
In the VF, tally lights
appear both above and
below the picture. Rear
tally lights on the VF and
handle are also provided.
Slot for a built-in wireless receiver
A space for a wireless receiver is
provided at the rear of the camera.
This Ikegami standard Unislot for a
radio microphone receiver avoids
extra wiring and possible damage.
Battery bracket with extra connector for lighting
An Anton Bauer type battery bracket is provided. The bracket
has an extra lighting connection and supports the digital battery
remaining capacity indication.