www.ikancorp.com | 1.713.272.8822 | [email protected]
because we’re
Function Set Up 1-4
Toggle between the following: 80%, 90%, 15:9, 4:3, 1.5:1, 2:1, 2.35:1
Submenu Options:
Color - White, Red, Green, Blue, Black
Guide Masks - ON / OFF
Displays a crosshair on the center of the screen
Submenu Options:
Color - White, Red, Green, Blue, Black
X Offset - 0-100% (50% is dead center)
Y Offset - 0-100% (50% is dead center)
(Not Available HDMI 1 Input)
This monitor is equipped with a color peaking feature which highlights the desired
focus area in a bright color. The operator adjusts the focus until the subject is surrounded with the color outline.
The color and thickness of the line can be adjusted.
Submenu Options:
Factor - (line thickness) 1-10
Color - White, Red, Green, Blue, Black
The image size is reduced. This allows the operator to be sure there is no unwanted items in the frame.
Submenu Options:
Factor - (Image Size) 50-100
DSLR Scaling
(Not Available HDMI 1 Input)
The DSLR Scaling function will aloow the user to extend the DSLR camera’s HDMI
video output to: Full, 3:2, 16:9
This feature allows the operator to zoom into the image up to 3x
Submenu Options:
Position - Middle, L+T (left top), R+T (right top), R+B (right bottom), L+B (left bottom), User
X Offset - Allows the operator to position the image on the X Axis
Y Offset - Allows the operator to position the image on the Y Axis
Ratio - X1.5, X2, X2.5, X3, User
H - Allows the operator to stretch the image horizontally up to 3x
V - Allows the operator to stretch the image vertically up to 3x
Check Field
Toggles between blue only, red only, green only, & mono modes. This is used to help calibrate the monitor to color bars.
H / V
This function displays the blanking portion of the incoming video signal
Activates a grid on the screen to assist with framing. From 4-121 boxes can be displayed on the screen.
Submenu Options:
Grids - 1-10
Color - White, Red, Green, Blue, Black
LUT Configuration
Stored from USB
List of LUT files that have been saved from the USB drive. This allows for quick access to your most used LUT’s
USB Looks
Allows access to LUT files saved on a connected USB drive. Use scroll wheel to navigate file system. When you find
the LUT you want to load just simply press the scroll wheel down and the file will be loaded. Press the scroll wheel
a second time and the LUT will be stored on the monitor and accessible via the “Stored from USB” menu option
Automatic Color Correction
Enable this option when an X-Rite iDisplay Pro calibration probe is connected to the USB connector on the back of
the monitor labeled ICC USB
1. Connect the probe to the monitor.
2. Flip probe cover back and place the probe on the center of the screen.
3. Enable the Automatic Color Correction
4. After the monitor will go through the self-callibration process. Do not turn off monitor during this process.
Return to previous menu
GPI Setup
GPI Control
Turn ON/OFF the GPI Control
GPI 1-7
Set the GPI functions
Return to previous menu
Displays firmware version
Update USB
Used to update the monitor firmware. Firmware should be saved in the root directory of a USB drive for the
monitor to recognize it. Check www.ikancorp.com for the latest firmware.
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(Not Available HDMI 1 Input)