Serial Interface
The serial interface option supports a
full-duplex transmission
with a real
hardware handshake up to a Baud rate of 19,200 Baud.
The CON Unit is cabled as DTE (Data Terminal Equipment, like CPU
output) and can be connected directly to DCE devices (Data
Communication Equipment).
A touch screen can be connected directly to the CON Unit.
To connect to a serial printer (or any other DTE instead of DCE
device), you need a null modem cable (crossed cable) between CON
Unit and the device.
Operation of several devices:
The serial interface transmits 6 signals (3 for each direction).
4 of the 6 signals are handshake signals (in addition to RxD and TxD).
The following configurations, however, can be realized using special
adapter splitting cables:
Three single 2-wire transmissions
Two transmissions with a handshake signal
A serial mouse and a single 2-wire transmission.
In this case, choose X-ON / X-OFF software handshake for traffic control
at printer and PC.
Connection Format
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)
Up to 19,200 Baud
Data Format
Format independent
Data Transmission
TxD (Transmit Data)
Traffic Control
The following signals are transmitted
(hardware handshake):
RTS (Request To Send)
CTS (Clear To Send)
DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
DSR (Data Set Ready)
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