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  Select the option to restart your computer now and click 





  With  the  software  installed,  you  can  customize  all  mouse  buttons  or 

change settings for the scroll wheel. 

7.  How to customize the mouse buttons? 


  Double-click the mouse icon in the system tray. This opens a dialog box. 


  Select the Configuration of mouse button tab. 


  Click the drop-down list to select an action for each button. 


  Click OK to accept the changes. 


8.  How to customize the mouse scroll wheel? 




 the mouse icon in the system tray. 


  Select the 


 of the mouse wheel tab. 


  Select Speed of wheel scroll and choose how many lines should scroll. 

When the wheel is rotated one click, or select For Pages to scroll a whole 
page with each click 

To set the mouse wheel to adjust the audio volume instead, select Adjust of the 
volume, and adjust the slider to determine how fast the volume changes when 
you turn he wheel. 



 to accept the changes. 



1.    If Mouse does not work. 


  Ensure the USB cable is connected. If it is, try connecting it to a different 

USB port 


  Ensure the optical sensor on the bottom of the mouse is clean. 


  Restart your computer.  

