This device is declared to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period
of three years. Any device found defective within three years from the delivery date and
returned to the factory, will be repaired, adjusted, or replaced and sent to the customer
with no charge. The customer always pays the shipping cost to us. This warranty does
not cover expendable items such as tubes or fuses. If the defect has been caused by a
misuse or abnormal operation conditions, the repair will be billed at a nominal cost. The
product should be returned in its original package, if this is possible, or packed in such a
way that it is not damaged during the shipment. We are not to be held responsible for
any damages during the shipment. 19" units shall always be packed in a box with
support for the rack ears. All 500 series modules need to be secured in ESD bag and
protected with foam. We will charge the customer €20 + VAT if the packing material needs
to be replaced. If we find that the product works perfectly, the customer will be invoiced
€50 + VAT to cover our costs of examination and handling plus the cost for returning the
product to the customer.